Tuesday, September 4, 2012



There are 12 beautiful notes. When you start with a note and go on to another and then another and more and dance among them, a strange thing happens. You seem to know within and actually it bursts forth from within as a complete certainty of flow…. You know you are right without a kind of definition in the usual sense.

You go on doing a kind of movement among the notes, carried along perfectly from within. What do you actually do? You linger, you stop, you caress the notes, you are struck by a madness like making ecstatic love….. it is really an ecstatic process and progression.

What is it really?

I think it is simply revelry at the basic, the most basic of all things – mathematics… life is mathematics… it is a kind of laughter at itself… life looking at itself and flaunting itself… reveling in the fact of it’s being… being and dancing! That is what it is. It is psychological-physical – a magical union of sound and mind ,expressing only one thing – purely and irrevocably.

That sound is fixed and perceived by the ear-brain-mind  in all possible combinations and hence there is an easily available button that can create and create without effort – directly, straight.

Hence once the vocal chords are trained perfectly and the mind is clear, simple , complete, profound, music need not be learnt, in a way of speaking. One holds and revels in the god’s gift of the availability of a capacity like that and one sings and expresses on and on and on…one cannot stop.

Music is literally the voice of the soul- in fact, in reality, metaphysically.

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