on knowing
Most of the people
are ‘know-nothings.’ They go through a kind of education and pick up the most
superficial information at random. The facts they gather to pass exams are not
connected, linked up, seen, felt and the possibility of applying to anything,
of creating something never arises.
Then they go around
looking for employment. They find it and they are taught a specific, particular
thing to do. It is specific, concrete bound and not fundamental, basic, deep,
creative, challenging the mind to think originally and come out with real
It is a kind of very
minimal work that is demanded. It is learnt fast and is as close to a robotic
kind of work as can come.
True, these jobs are
important in practical life and is usually given the name - “Skill”. But it is
a compartmentalized work not creative work.
What is really
creative work? How does that come about?
A passionate,
creative work comes and flows from a real understanding of things.
Let us try to
understand what a real understanding is.
A real understanding
connects to reality. It is seeN.
This does not happen automatically. One needs to think.
Thinking involves relating
things to each other. First we see facts, collect facts - just facts. They are
in the beginning just a collection. Then we start a process of looking for
causal relationships, how one thing determines another, changes another,
modifies another, influences another. This process is applied wholesale, this
abstract understanding is integrated with all that exists and all that is
Thus to know means to
hold the full relationships of everything to everything! This leads one to know
everything, not all details, but in terms of fundamentals.
This is the full
meaning of logic, of truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
This is a tremendous
thing and gives rise to a precious, priceless feeling inside, a feeling of
power, of almost an omnipotence.
It is like by
understanding, relating things you have held the whole world as a UNIT and thus
in the palm of your hand!
Great scientists,
artists, singers, leaders, know this feeling!
It is very difficult
to communicate it but it is there within - a flame it is, that burns, grow,
absorbs, keeps relating and relating, seeing more and more connections,
becoming more and more powerful.
One profound result
of this kind of leaving (NOT ‘learning’ some compartmentalized operations and
procedures) is that you get hundreds of ideas to do things.
You start applying
your knowledge and this is the only true meaning of work way of life itself.
How is it that when one sees things and relates things, one gets ideal to apply
and create new products, services, designs, new ways of doing things. The word,
the key word, is ‘invention’.
Knowledge, true
knowledge leads to ‘invention’.
Invention brings in
Man into the picture. To understand the phenomenon of light, at least some
terms, is to come out with lenses to see
Seeing bigger is a
power! Using electromagnetic effects to create a turning motion is a power. To
fly in an aeroplane is a power!
It is a magical power
unrivalled by any wondrous magic. It is almost a miraculous, a divine process
and is felt as the highest ecstasy because Man is that, Man is powerful -
That sweeping view of
the world leads to numerous, almost infinite, possibilities!
hai very nice