Tuesday, September 7, 2010



Love for a thing – not a person, but a thing is a rare thing. You can love a thing. It is not a career or a profession but truly, really – love. One can be mad about something. One always thinks about that, dreams about it, one is lost in it.

Ambition naturally flows from such a person. In fact his desires are limitless and don’t have boundaries. He is really like a person for whom his work is the very meaning, the spring, the source of his life.

How does such an ambition come about? What is it about a person who falls in love, becomes mad about something. All great leaders are like that, what drives them? What are they really made of?

I have a belief that we were all like that? Look at a child – the way he explores the world, the unshackled brain of his which absorbs, reacts, feels, the total sensitivity, the sheer charm of a young one.

I believe there is that thing within us all. Our real self actually wants it but it is hidden not unknown, not tested, not given a chance.

We feel at moments – we want to do something great, be great, we look at successful people, we admire them, we secretly feel we want to be like that… but we kill it. Why? Because of circumstances, practicality – we say. Destiny – we say.

But the truth is that we know that a limited life – an average job, marriage, kids is not really what are want.

We all don’t want that. But the problem is we don’t really know, what we want. Why?

That’s because nothing happened to us in a literal sense. We want through a whole life of learning and nothing happened?

We learnt so many subjects but none of them excited us BECAUSE WE NEVER UNDERSTOOD IT IN A REAL SENSE.

Of course we wrote exams, we finished syllabus, we gathered all the information BUT we never understood its MEANING, IMPLICATIONS AND APPLICATIONS. There is no insight. Hence our spirit is not excited, thrilled, awakened. You understand? It doesn’t mean anything to us. Why should I learn this? And no answer exists to that important crucial life sustaining question.

For example in Geography we learn about, say, eclipses but that phenomenon is not linked to things – it is not made real, wondrous….  no photographs are shown of a day becoming night the reality of the phenomenon is obscured.. it is not seen and felt.. but suppose you learn like that, the learning strikes deep, an indelible impression mixed with feeling is left in the mind and heart. If this process goes in you are AWAKENED from your dull and dead and limited and delimited narrow understanding.

The process goes on… you are released.. you become a child again! And you want to know everything… and at once!

A great leader is one who saw, who felt, who suddenly understood – with his own eyes and mind… he suddenly discovered that he is really can know, he then feels powerful – because he understood, it is his and he feels actually very solemn and precious about it.

To know is the greatest thing – to really know. To love learning is the essence and core of life! To love learning is also try out things, to use it… to know is at once to see its applications and they are infinite.

Knowledge, Vision and a life long mission, are one and inseparable!

To know something and not to know what to do next is to not – really –  to know!

Then one can only go by the fashions of the day! Then one becomes part of the crowd……. Never having discovered what one really wants, loves……no meaning – and hence no real, precious joy… no quiet silence… no aloneness…. no adventure… nothing but a dead routine … and a superficial busy and active life.

To live life, we must wake up and open one’s eyes to the would and once to do that is to realize a staggering fact… there are a hundred things to do… and life is actually infinite!



Marriages are made in heaven
I look at her (my wife)
and I realize that
I need to prove nothing
she is more than mine
she is me

She tells me often
that she can’t say ‘I love you’
how can I say ‘I love you’
to myself she protests
and it is true

She is sweet, too sweet
my doubts, loneliness, fear
dissolves in her simple love
I smile at  the simplicity
in wonder, in pure happiness.

A god must exist
I sometimes feel
for the serendipitous event
of bringing us together
and making us one in life.

One day she tells me,
as an obvious fact
we’ll be one in death too…..
I have nothing to say
became it is true
we are one.

She is my conscience too
she criticizes, in the
way only she can
completely understanding
and yet giving me
letting me be my best
and ensuring I make no error…

She has made a
better man of me
than I was
She lets me, giving me space
to be one and in touch always
with my true, real self…

Life is so real, true
simple and hence
beautiful, profound,
grand, deeply joy us with her…

Love can be a
pinnacle and we are that proof…

Oh! My dearest, my only me…
life is such a blessing,
such a sweet union,
such a completion
because you are me…

We hungrily reach for each other
almost all the time…
Untroubled, calm, serene and
yet violent, ecstatic, tense…

Two souls attracting
like powerful magnets
and never ever reaching
the limit of consummation

Your kisses, your caresses
transform physicality
into something magical –
A pure state of extreme joy…

We laugh, we look,
in incredible wonder
it takes time to accept too…
So much happiness is unknown,
seems unreal, yet it is
real possible ours forever…

To Know


To really understand something…
for the first time..
to be
excited, thrilled,
to feel that precious
feeling inside…
to become quiet,
silent, struck,…
to suddenly realize
the basic, essence of life…
To really understand and possess that
feeling forever…
To begin to love your
to want nothing but
to always be with your own self
alone, far, far
from the madding crowd..
to get lost..
in one’s own world
to savour the things
that you’ve discovered
To be on an
endless adventure,
To be filled with it
And to overflow,
To burn within..
With a deep, profound joy..
An utter joy, unforced,
Untouched, unchangeable,

To suddenly realize that
hundred things could be done…
To be pulled
In multiple directions,
Suddenly and at once..

To overflow in action,
To bring without the
Things seen within…
To live in action and
express,.. endlessly.

To feel an incommunicable
love for things,
true, great, real..

To make the whole earth
one’s won…

To touch infinity and be and
flow in action from
that infinite…
Isn’t this life?
Is an alternative
thinkable, desirable,

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Why I love Ayn Rand

Ayn Rand ended darkness for me and for the whole world. Her effect on me was magical. In one stroke, almost at once, when I was 24, she brushed away all doubts, conclusions, uncertainties.

20 years have gone by since I encountered Ayn Rand, there is a great clarify that I have now (the spiral progression) but the wonder of that human being that Ayn Rand was still remains.

I love Ayn Rand. In this blind, lonely world she is a tremendous solace, security. Its very difficult to put it in words.

She gives a simplicity to things, as if all questions have answers, all problems can be solved, there is nothing beyond one’s reach; she takes you in to her fold and loves you in a manner that is absolutely unique, special, wondrous.

Ayn Rand practically was such a tremendous guide that she almost made me a new human being. I sometimes wonder at where it will all go and my follow objectivists share that unique feeling, that is the bond between us. We have all been taken to a land – which is not just an empty ‘promise’ but a complete, real,  grounded, secure, reality.

Ayn Rand’s sheer intelligence astonishes me. Even the subtlest, the most hidden truths are not beyond her searchlight mind that uncovers, reveals.

More. She then loves, is delighted and fashions it – Oh! How! The communication is then complete, piercing going straight into you. You don’t even need to chew, you take it all in.

She is a valuer and how sincere, how simple, how total. The smallest things of value – but it is absolute for her, she sees the whole unit and reacts immediately.

Her range! It is unbelievable. She makes a unit out of everything. A huge complexity is brought into a sweeping view, in to a small thing, conceptually complete.

She lives her epistemology – so to speak. She values the rational epistemological method like no one else. She has made it automatic, a unit of thinking of itself and that has become a second skin – natural, flowing, supremely confident.

To know, to value, to live – she makes these concepts utterly obvious till you are not the same and never can be.

Ayn Rand is too true, too good, the most complete human being in history and as she herself says in complete self knowledge about Galt – “completely normal”.

She has released man’s energies, directed the world, given shape to things, value to things, meaning to things.

Ayn Rand is the climax of man’s struggle to find his roots, his life, his reality, his happiness, his security, his serenity.

I love her too much and it is inexpressible and infinite…