Monday, April 25, 2016



I see you - a being that is full of heart, mind and soul.

A being who is simple and totally rational-emotional.

There is no divide in you, nothing in you to trouble you!!

And in that uplifting, uplifted spirit, you too long for a fellow traveler!

I love you, I can see you, so clearly, the shape, the person

Even my love for you, my mirror that you are!!

I see the shape, the body, the walk and the talk.

How can I love so much, so truly and madly

Someone I have never seen?

Strange is love, it is too real because not around.

I know the way I would be with you, the way we would hold each other.

It is a dream to hold you, but hardly a dream,


With my power of imaginative, intense longing and wishing!!

My love, my soul mate, I love you wherever you are!!

Saturday, April 23, 2016



When you one day in full maturity see the field that you had chosen, see it for waht it is with your eyes, your mind, the nature of your field, whatever that might be, science, arts, humanities. When you see its depth, when you see how that subject connects to the real world, when you suddenly take a leap in grasping you field in its essence, it is then that you have really taken birth as a human being, and in that understanding you will at once understand in what way you had been blind, and the world still is...
And then God bless you, as the agony begins....
You have seen the field, and suddenly you find that none else is even begun to see what you had in all innocence seen!!
You see the world for what it exactly is and you laugh and you cry in despairing wonder, in utterly bewildering consternation, and yet with such deep confidence and pride too!!!
You become so cool, yet stinging, yet tempestuous, always talking, communicating, becoming incredibly talented and at once knowing FULLY that there is nothing in it!! Almost in the privacy of your soul, you feel you really have been blessed by some magic wand and yet also know that it is not at all a magic wand...

You love people simply because you have lost all need!!

You see people deep, and love too much love that which within them, the person himself does not love as you do!!

And you are muted, and yet you see, the agony and the beauty together!!

You are so much in love, looking at you life, the world, your power, and the deep joy that always is brimming within you...

you are clam too, as what you have seen is to clear, because it i a complete turning point with no return even imaginable...

It feels sometimes as if you are ill mentally and at other times it feels you are the greatest superman and at yet other times, you feel you are simplicity itself..

Hungry, working, emptying always, seeing the beauty, and above all CREATING THE THING that you see as a dream and bring to reality!!

Light and easy the living becomes, over confident within, hardly confident without, a strange going into a shell and coming out like a tortoise...

But always happy, deeply grateful, pitiful, hence deeply generous, having a temper too, as things impossible to accept, the blindness...

When life turns, you become this monet, and forver at once, you take birth never to die, really as each moment is complete, immense...



Dear ................

I saw you first that day, when you were sitting in the hall, and your face showed that simple , clear concentration. It was love at first sight. and then we got a chance to interact being together in the same group. and you were so receptive to me. It looked as if you had got me, as I know myself. And dear, I am very sentimental, it was too much for me.

And from that day on, I have always chanced to get the chance to talk and interact and we have . And always I feel that strange feeling of RECOGNITION, as if you are the most beautiful girl in the world. Your actual physical beauty, your lovely features does not make it easier really. I don't really know whether it is inside or beauty outside.

You are beautiful, my dear, and so many times I hinted at what I felt, and sometimes I even in jest said it. And I felt that your had noted it, but you know a line cannot be crossed.

I am in love and your being gives that soothing sense that I am nice, that your sanction is enough for me for a life. In that sense, it is strange that I am so fulfilled in simply loving you, that I need no more!! How strange and how contradictory to all that is written on love?!

I love you, the way you talk, with that firm gentleness, I like the secret, silent pain you feel, knowing, deep within, that the world is cruel, and heartless and not really YOU.

I like it that you are so alone too, in that you are so rare. You have so much love in your heart, and life too has given you that wisdom that you carry. I love the light, simple strength that you possess. I love the way you are deeply happy and simple and strong.

I just wanted to tell you this. I am not demanding anything. I have got enough of you. But you know I too am a simple human being, and sometimes I too need to talk to someone of so many things. Remember each time we talk, we go on, suddenly there is so much to talk. Once we talked for full 3 hours, and I remember, you even asked me what I thought of you. I did not have the guts then. Even now it feels so strange to say all this...

I feel also sad, when I look at you. I feel you have so much CAPACITY, and hardly any expression. I feel like filling you to the brim with true love and tell you how much you need/deserve love.

Well, that is all. I just wanted to get it all out. Life passes us by and when I am dying I want to have nothing within that I am carrying, otherwise like a ghost I would haunt you after death!!



Friday, April 22, 2016



I am fearless and free I see the world for what it is.

I am deeply happy and unconcerned. I have seen the world through and through.

I am fearless and free. I dance and sing, express everything in abandon!

I look people straight in the eye and I am not servile.

I do not need to be, as I have nil illusions with respect to the world.

I know this world and do not need to be cheated and hurt to learn that simple lesson.

I am fearless and free.

I am not afraid of being alone, long back I had taken on the world.

I am brimming with a thousand ideas and in my private world, I live by working!!

I am successful and creative, eager to try the new and love to meet kindred spirits!!

I am fearless and free.

I am and I will be simply myself, unsocial, cool and unconcerned.



How do I live in this world…..Where there are no real men, nothing happening?

You meet people and there is nothing human in them. What do they want, I wonder…

They have so easily accepted the rules by which they should live simply as handed down.

What is the reason for this total apathy and dreariness of practical living?

And yet people look so serious may be because that is their reference point. They have no idea about freedom.

They are so utterly worthless. Not a single friend you can make, you who have so much to give.

There is nothing much in the field of work too; the same boring meaningless routine, the same senseless obsession of being servile to others’ expectations.

There is no laughter, no joy, no play and dance…

Strange state of affairs- wherever you go, whoever you talk to.

So much ignorance about the world, and so many opinions and no objective truth and grounding, There is so much of division on senseless grounds.

And each man knows his compartment and never ventures outside it. A strange censorship where no censorship exists.

I am profoundly happy and yet I am in conflict with this sick world at every step practically.

Even the best of men have no guts, no passion, nothing for which they can give their life to…there is no real love in their hearts.

How do I live in a world like this?

Thursday, April 21, 2016



Think of a friend, who is truly and completely devoid of ego and yet fearless and habituated to speak what is right, as he sees it!! Think of a friend who is truly a FRIEND, in that he devotes his mind and heart and actions for you , to make you better, give you all that he knows is the best for you.

Think of a friend who is so giving that he likes to give, he likes to express his affection , simly because to him that is the truth about life.

Think of a friend who is too good to be true, yet who does not know it, really alone in this blind world, and yet surrounds himself with many friends.

That great affection cannot be contained!!

Think of a friend who likes to pour out his true nature in work too, and that great inner , restless energy cannot be contained and the work done as pure love!!

Think of that energy of that friend that works and works, interacts nonstop, selfless and free, fully expressing all the time.

The kick of giving and giving an giving…

But there is the sad side to this friend too..where is that reflection? Where , and who would understand so much love?

What to do with so much energy of love?

But life unfolds, and this friend goes on and on…and truly speaking this friend deep, very deep within , is so happy and clean, he needs no one and hence everyone!!

Think of this incredible friend, always helping, lifting people from sadness, and downness, and finding that happiness of activity that is pure.

Seeking all avenues for that expression, and feeling all the time, this friend….



Marriages are funny. You sometimes hate but deep within you love so much, that your partner is an inseparable almost bodily part of you. Thus the pain of separation, fights is too much. Marriage is a union, of two bodies but actually one soul. So much togetherness, habitually leads to a need for each other that could become infinite. Marriage is holy. The love is there, that need not be told, precisely because it is there. The love is felt as a simple truth and when that is debated, it is hurting.

Strange are marriages. So much joy and sometimes so much pain that feels not like the usual pain but kind of different, personal and deep.

Marriage is an unshakeable trust much beyond any practical miscommunication or problem. Marriage is a point of no return.

Marriage is deep affection, needing and fulfilling acceptance so complete that there is no real tension!!

Marriage is thus, a deep security and happiness. That is why I guess marriages have existed for centuries.

This is the reason marriages actually need space and freedom. Because the prison is already erected, the sweet prison of togetherness. Now with almost that kind of motherly “taken for granted peace”, one needs wings to fly.

Marriage maybe is a second childhood, because by nature man needs company and deep security of needing and being needed.

And of course marriage is that beautiful, deep, innocent physical union that has to happen with powerful magnetic attraction, the deep infinite love needs that solace of being held and one in and out for that bliss that can never ever be measured.

Marriages are such a wonder, two human beings so close, yet apart, pressure to be one and with each other, yet needing and wanting freedom, both co existing, and the subtle adjustments and harmonious dance carried out from experiencing each other , inside and outside….

Friday, April 8, 2016

Wishes for the New Year

Wishes for the New Year

Wishes, So Many for YOU!!

I wish that you find the space , the quiet, the peace, to find, what you really want and commit to going all out for it, all of it!!

I wish you don't want get bogged down by the harsh, ground realities, that is blind and loveless.

I wish you see the world, as it is, with nil fear, and as interesting, fascinating, factual reality and in that first hand , fearless, LOOKING, suddenly RISE ABOVE THE WORLD, and actually become so BIG in relation, see the world, as so small, so worthless, needless, and impotently insane, that you lose the capacity to take it seriously!!

Thus, I wish, you strangely from that height, unconcernedly "forgive" the world or better forget it!!

And yet, in practical situations, be humorous, calm, cool, unsocially social, and thus, reach , deep into the innocence, and honesty of anyone and everyone!!

I wish YOU a journey, a long long, journey, full of wonderful surprises, a total adventure, with utter honesty, open, seeing and discover the secrets of the world, and fall in love with your love for love for discovering!!

I wish you wonderful, special friends, whose companion, you get that wonderful illusion of living in your world, and you feel free and happy!!

I wish you fulfillment in work, above all. I wish you discover the great kick that you get from work, the power of knowledge, that is the root and base of great work.

I wish you a full , rich life, this new year and all new years eternally and NOW!!



All of us are familiar with the word education. But what is really education? In this essay we will go into an exploration of this crucial topic and I hope that at the end you will gain a clear understanding of what really education means.

To understand education, we must first understand man’s nature. What kind of being is man?

There are many theories about man and I am not going to go into that now. We will simply look at some facts and come to a conclusion about man that we can all agree upon. If you look at the living world, you will see a strange fact. Whereas plants and animals have automatic ways of survival, man actually does not. A dog for example is fit , has the required knowledge soon after birth. A palnt grows automatically. There need be no school that animals and plants have to go to to learn and get the knowledge of their survival.

Man is different. In what exact way is man different?

Man has a power far surpassing that of animals or plants. It is the power of his thinking mind. But you will agree with me that this power is not automatic. By this mean that man cannot remain still and everything propels him from within and he is able to take actions. Man does not function like that. That is what is the essential difference between man and animals. Man has to choose and to choose he has to know things. Even to know things he has to focus his attention and make effort to understand the things around him.

This thinking capacity that he is endowed with is his power but he has to use that power. He has to acquire all the knowledge necessary for him to survive

Let us now go a little deeper into what thinking really is and what really is knowledge.

Let us take an example. Suppose you want to know about electricity. How would you learn? You would ask questions in that subject and there are a whole load of questions that would come to you. A pattern is given below

What is that thing that runs through wires?

How did man discover that?

What were the experiments done to discover that?

When was the battery discovered?

What happens inside a battery really?

How does a motor run, i.e. how does electricity exactly give a turning motion ?

How do we get electric power?

Etc etc

These are natural questions. But to answer that we must seriously begin on a first hand journey into reading, experimenting, looking at things, talking to experts and more. In this whole precess your desire is actually to see the full truth about electricity by your own eyes and mind.

Now when you finish this process , you will not only understand electricity in depth but the WHOLE that is the world!

Let me explain…

First you will understand that certain experiments with just rubbing various materials gave rise to a strange effect t- attraction of some bodies and repulsion of some bodies and you will understand why the scientists had to conclude that there are 2 types of something that they called charge and one they named positive charge and another negative charge.

Then they created the battery where a potential difference is constantly maintained between the 2 ends of the battery and then lo! One day Oersted discovers that this current that flows when the 2 ends of the battery is connected gives rise to a magnetic effect and then Faraday tries out lots of experiments and finds out that a moving magnet induces electric current.

So at once , see the development, we started by rubbing and ended up with understanding the mysterious working of nature…

The story does not end here. What is this charge? From where does it originate? And that takes us to the long series of steps that leads to the staggering fact that everything, an inch of anything is made up of crores of atoms or combination of atoms called molecules.

This fact virtually opens a door to the whole of physics, chemistry and biology and the working of all modern inventions. In this whole process, are we not struck by all this? Do we not get a first hand understanding of not just physics but how we can think and acquire knowledge? Does it not lead to a real , original self confidence?

The answer is a resounding YES. No matter where you start from, you will necessarily end up knowing the whole world.

So what is knowledge?

Knowledge is an interconnected whole and once to know that is to become really powerful and hold the whole world in the palm of ones hand as a unit in simple terms...

This kind of a power , what is the use of this kind of power?

This leads to a real , sincere and successful life in the deepest sense. Only a man who has real knowledge has a power to then use that knowledge to create new inventions, services, products, he becomes very productive in life and he becomes a purposive human being. In fact he is brimming with 100 ideas of new things that can be done. Needless to say, such a person is happy, deeply, spiritually fulfilled and also paves his way and earns his physical survival. He has self confidence and self esteem and he is always charged and happy and enthusiastic. He gives meaning to life and makes a difference. All great work that has been done , all the good that you see in the world is because of people exactly like this who have discovered knowledge and , creativity and personal fulfilment and happiness.

So this is the nature of life and man’s duty is to acquire real knowledge as explained above and lead a happy life.

Now we can be more clear when we ask the question- what is education?

Education should facilitate the above in a child in the primary, high school and higher levels of education.

But you see a sad thing all around us. This is not happening. What you see is that most children are bored by studies and study more as a duty, as a routine and out of fear not as an exploration and making discoveries. We all went through this kind of education and we all had only a vague knowledge of our subjects . this is simply because the whole thing was not shown to us because the teachers largely themselves did not know the whole as explained above. So this is perpetuated with no break .

Let us now ask one last question. Why is the world on such a low level? Why is it that we cannot even discover discovered knowledge? Wherever we turn, we see mediocrity and an average life. This lack of true understanding reflects in the way we live too

We do not have our own original way of thinking so we simply become followers and blindly accept others. , the majority’s opinions. We live a second hand life and we do not know that we are living a second hand life, we are completely blind.

So we become prey to any fashionable slogans, usually false and the world's problems never get down to be solved.

The whole world is blind and only a few men keep it going and they are never given the due because of blindness.

That power leads to work, happiness, purpose, peace, living as man, self esteem, character

If this is the case then what is education?

Gaining of true knowledge, based on facts, making sense, growing in power, becoming a man is education

Is it happening? What is happening?

Rote memorization, nothing connects to anything, no feeling for things, feeling means what? It means to see with ones own eyes, being sensitive to things, harmony between head and heart, happiness…

All this is missing….

Why is education in such a state?

Men have not been empowered to teach, there is mass ignorance. Of a proper education as outlined above.

Why has there been such a result (of mass ignorance)?

Why has the world not discovered knowledge?

More a pretence, low level living, as living has not been understood


Because a philosophy that talks about man's nature has not been upheld, that man is a being of reason, that he has to live for himself. What has been upheld is that man should give up and men in their confused state do that. History is still young and we are still savage creatures.

So what must we do?

We must understand man, understand ourselves, and educate ourselves and achieve happiness and then we must spread that.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Where is my Shore?

Where is my Shore?

I am , I am not,

Where in the world am I?

The fire within me burns,

Where is my shore, my peace?

I am in you, you are in me.

We are one, the same spirit in us,

Holding hands, lets create a new world!!

I see myself clearly in your eyes.

My breath mingles with yours.

What is the meaning of this?

This peculiar feeling, this moment.

We vibrate with the same heartbeat!!

I am , I am not,

Where in the world am I?

The fire within me burns.

YOU are my shore, my peace...

Friday, April 1, 2016

What do I Write?

What do I Write?

What do I write on,

When the truth is so clear,

So obvious and all around me...

What do I write about

When each person knows

The truth within his soul,

And only does not want to face that.

How do I make people

Face a truth they already know?

What do I write about

When for many millenia people

Have experienced that death,

Of the mind, heart, soul,

How do I wake up people

If they want to sleep and only listen

To the soporific nonsense

Pounded into them day in and day out.

How do I write when I don't know

Clearly for whom I need to write.

Write I must as this world

Cannot be given away

To the senseless and even

When the worst despair fills me.

And when I write thus, only

When I write obviously , clearly

And with no touch or breath of falsehood,

LO!! The human soul is reached!!

Is it as simple as this?

This becomes my next question...

Shout from the Rooftops

Shout from the Rooftops

Shout from the rooftops,

The game is up!

The game of inducing

Fear , pain and guilt in Man,

The age old game of centuries.

Oh! Man, there is really no

Pain, fear or guilt,

And all these moments when,

You were profoundly, consciously happy,

Are the true , real and the most natural!!

Shout fom the rooftops,

There is really no god, devil or society,

In whose service you need to live or die,

There is only that one supreme,

God withn, , You, Your entity,

Your own and owned mind, heart and soul!!

Oh! Man, you are the hero of your ship,

You are the meaning and purpose,

You are the entity born for joy!!

Not to serve, bow, placate, convince.

You are born free!!

Shout from the rooftops,

The obvius truth that all know,

But nobody dares face,

That Life is nothing but Sense and reason,

Not senseless, complicated and obscure.

There are no deep , dark secrets.

This is the secret , my brothers!!

Oh! Man, you are the secret of secrets.

You have been hidden from centuries,


What a terrible reversal,

And how much pain is caused.

Shout from the rooftops.

That which divides us is simply,

That which is a forced binding.

Break the chains holding one to one,

Let each stand alone in his lonely star,

And connect to himself and to all!!

Oh! Man, you are the super man!

The natural power of reason IS you!

What you see, know grasp, understand,

Is the precious, the not to be thrown away,

To the senseless demands,

You are the reason and your sense of you,

Is the glory, the ONLY meaning.

Shout from the rooftops,

The whole , senseless, pain you see,

The pain all feel is NOTHING,

The pain no one invites and no one wants,

The pain carried by us as slaves,

Merely because it is handed down.

Oh! Man , you are the fearless, the powerful,

The sheer beauty and magnificence,

That comes from standing alone,

Giving concessions to none,

Stand alone and be a master,

Of your own destiny, guided by your WILL!!