Tuesday, September 4, 2012



I look around and
Find nobody who is clear cut,
Direct, passionate…

What I see is only pretence
of being great but not truly
good and worthy.

There are no real values
within people
They are ruled by their
beliefs – age old beliefs
that are followed and
nobody knows why….

One can’t even reason
with them…. They are
stubborn, blind, driven….
their eyes empty.

There is no awakening within them..
A mass that is running, God only
knows where and for what?

You may scream but no one will
hear you….
You may rage but people will
look upon you as a mad man?

You become alone and lonely
denied love, care, values…
Wherever you go,
whatever you do..
A stale reality that evokes nothing.

And then people say you have
no feelings, you are cold.
There is nothing to feel
as there is nothing.

A terrible boredom sets in
your brain seems to be
strained, dried up, disintegrated…

You need to be strong and
make your own reality.
Slowly a joy comes
a detachment ,you feel free…
untouched and untouchable..

Proud, deeply superior
and knowing the
worthlessness of the world,
you revel in your aloneness
and find your meaning in
exploring the world endlessly…

Your mind is free and
unshackled and free to do a
million things.

                                                   You are locked up and lose all
 need – serene and peaceful.

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